October 6, 2015 Tuesday 10:00am
InspireHealth’s LIFE Webinar Series is a cancer care education program that you can access online from anywhere in Canada, including at your home or office. Four live sessions are provided in a convenient online format in which you can ask questions to a health practitioner.
October 6, 2015 Tuesday 4-5pm Webinar on your computer (free of charge)
"Testosterone and the Prostate" by Dr. Larry Goldenberg
During this webinar, you'll learn about:
* Testosterone is an important hormone for many aspects of male physiology
* There is an intricate relationship between the hormone testosterone and prostate biology
* Testosterone replacement therapy is a controversial topic
* Giving testosterone to a man with known prostate cancer is not dangerous if done properly
* The impact of moderately low testosterone levels on the prostate is a very different situation than the impact of hormone withdrawal therapy on cancer
Register Now <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=a459f6e750&e=429b542523>
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Please do not forget our Monthly meeting!
October 8 Thursday 6-8pm Support Group sharing
10月8日星期四 6-8pm支持小組分享
at Garratt Wellness Center, 7504 Chelsea Place, Richmond
Contact: Daniel Leung 604-836-6423
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