Canada has over 60 Prostate Cancer Support Groups that meet once a month. This Richmond group in British Columbia is founded in 2013 by volunteers and focused on providing help to Chinese-speaking men, but everyone is welcome. We speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, meet on the second Thursday of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Seniors Centre of Minoru Centre for Active Living (7191 Granville Avenue, Richmond, BC V6Y 1N9 Multipurpose Room 1 (1033)). Join us for the professional presentation and talk to other men and family members who have been dealing with prostate cancer for weeks, months or even years.

No registration is required and all ages are welcome. Please swipe your Seniors Facility Pass ($36/year for seniors 55+ or spouses) or pay a $5 drop-in fee at the front desk when arriving for each session.

If you want to chat one on one with a survivor, you may drop in our walking club. The Richmond Blue Walkers walk 5-10 km on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am-11 am, along the beautiful river dykes and parks in Richmond (Walk in the Richmond Shopping Centre during the rainy days or cold seasons). Click here for the schedule or contact Daniel Leung at 604-836-6423 for the locations and meeting places.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada accepts donations online, please go to 捐款前列腺癌基金會請到

此支援小組乃義工組織,我們講英語普通話廣東話幫助您了解良性前列腺疾病與前列腺癌的病徵預防治療康復與最新醫療硏究等資訊每月第二個星期四下午6:30-8:30在「明納健康活動中心」的長者中心多用途活動室1 (1033)


列治文前列腺癌友步行團「藍天健行」每週二和週四早上9時至11時沿著美麗的河堤和公園散步在下雨天或寒冷季節步行於列治文購物中心)。點擊查詢活動更新 打電話604-836-6423 (Daniel)

This blog is provided as a public service. Any persons using the information or documents provided on the blog do so at their own risk.

You are advised to seek professional services from licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and health care professionals, if and when necessary.

Monday, September 5, 2022

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 九月是前列腺癌關注月


所有年齡男仕都會經歷過前列腺發炎(Prostatitis);50歲以上可能會患上良性前列腺肥大症(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, BPH or Benign Prostate Enlargement, BPE)影响排尿,睡眠和性生活,請立刻約見家庭醫生
每八個加拿大男人更會有一個遇上前列腺癌(Prostate Cancer),初期是毫無徵狀的,當這個疾病發展至中後期才會有類似以上兩種良性疾病的徵狀。
若要瞭解前列腺的變化,可免費下載閱讀這書(Understanding Prostate Changes)的中文版。或到我們網站(查看有關資訊。
當你針刺活組織檢查(Biopsy)確診前列腺癌時,請立刻與溫哥華沿岸衛生局的 Prostate Cancer Supportive Care Program (PCSC) 聯絡,參加面談或小組(可要求免費國粵語翻譯),以瞭解各種不同的治療方法和如何減輕隨之而來的副作用。

前列腺癌支援網絡,詳情可致電 Daniel Leung 604-836-6423查詢。
九月八日,星期四,下午6:30-8:30 專題講座是 盆底物理治療 (凱格爾理療) Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy (Kegel Physiotherapy) 講員是 Envision Physiotherapy 資深註冊物理治療師 Marcy Dayan BSR, MHA ,泌尿系統因前列腺疾病引致小便失禁者,務必參加這英語講座,附中英對照投影片,歡迎國粵語提問。
十月十日,星期四,下午6:30-8:30 專題講座是 瞭解格里數 (Understanding Gleason Scores)講員列治文前列腺癌支援網絡義務顧問 余威廉博士註册護士,當活組織檢查確診前列腺癌時,專科醫生會按照格里森指數的程度决定你的治療方案。粤語講座,附中英對照投影片,歡迎中英語提問。

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in North America!

Please pay attention to the information to maintain your physical and mental health, and you can also help your relatives and friends to face the following diseases.

Men of all ages experience Prostatitis; over 50 may develop Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH or Enlargement), which affects urination, sleep and sexual life. Please make an appointment with your family doctor as soon as possible.

One out of every eight Canadian men will have Prostate Cancer, which is asymptomatic in the early stage. It will develop symptoms similar to the above two benign diseases when the disease develops to the middle and late stages.

To diagnose prostate cancer early and receive proper care, annual Digital Rectal Examinations (DRE) starting at age 50 by a family doctor and blood tests for Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) every 5 years are necessary.

To understand changes in the prostate, you can download and read the book Understanding Prostate Changes for free. For the Chinese version of this book and relevant information, please visit our website

When you have a Biopsy diagnosis of prostate cancer, contact Vancouver Coastal Health's Prostate Cancer Supportive Care Program (PCSC) immediately for an interview or group meeting (free Chinese translation available on request) to learn about the different treatments and how to treat the side effects that come with it.

You are welcome to join the Richmond Prostate Cancer Support Group 
at 6:30 pm on the second Thursday of every month 
at the Richmond Minoru Seniors Center, 7191 Granville Ave. 
For details, please call Daniel Leung at 604-836-6423. We speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

September 8, 2022, Thursday 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy (Kegel Physiotherapy) 
English presentation by Marcy Dayan BSR, MHA  of Envision Physiotherapy

October 13, 2022Thursday 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 
Understanding Gleason Scores  
Cantonese presentation by Wellam Yu Ko, RN, PhD our Volunteer advisor since 2013

A 2-day conference and expo for support groups leaders and the larger community to learn more about prostate cancer - the #1 cancer in men.
Sep 17, 2022 09:00 AM to Sep 18, 2022 03:59 PM
For the free-of-charge event, please register now!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

邀請加拿大華裔前列腺癌康復者和照顧者參與研究 Chinese Canadian prostate cancer survivor and caregiver participants needed

研究項目參與邀請函 需要加拿大華裔前列腺癌倖存者和照顧者的參與




如果你有興趣參加這項研究,請通過電話或電子郵件與研究Ms. Karen Young聯繫

電話604-600-5870   電子郵件


Invitation to participate in a research project – Chinese Canadian prostate cancer survivor and caregiver participants needed

What is this study about? An application designed to virtually deliver follow-up care to people
with prostate cancer (virtual follow-up care) has been created. At the University of Toronto, we
are trying to find out how this application can better support the health of Chinese Canadian
people in the survivorship phase of their prostate cancer trajectory and their caregivers.

Who is eligible to participate in this study? If you are a Chinese Canadian prostate cancer
survivor or a caregiver, we would like your input on your experiences receiving prostate cancer
follow-up care and what support you would like to have through a virtual clinic. The information
from the interviews will be used to help design a virtual care clinic that can support Chinese
Canadian prostate cancer survivors receiving follow-up care. The information you provide for
this study will be kept private and confidential.

You will receive $50.00 per hour as a thank-you for agreeing to be interviewed. For more
information, please see the attached Letters of Information for Survivors and Caregivers.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact the study coordinator,
Ms. Karen Young, by phone or email at:

Phone: 604-600-5870
Thank you for considering to help with this project!