Canada has over 60 Prostate Cancer Support Groups that meet once a month. This Richmond group in British Columbia is founded in 2013 by volunteers and focused on providing help to Chinese-speaking men, but everyone is welcome. We speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, meet on the second Thursday of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Seniors Centre of Minoru Centre for Active Living (7191 Granville Avenue, Richmond, BC V6Y 1N9 Multipurpose Room 1 (1033)). Join us for the professional presentation and talk to other men and family members who have been dealing with prostate cancer for weeks, months or even years.

No registration is required and all ages are welcome. Please swipe your Seniors Facility Pass ($36/year for seniors 55+ or spouses) or pay a $5 drop-in fee at the front desk when arriving for each session.

If you want to chat one on one with a survivor, you may drop in our walking club. The Richmond Blue Walkers walk 5-10 km on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am-11 am, along the beautiful river dykes and parks in Richmond (Walk in the Richmond Shopping Centre during the rainy days or cold seasons). Click here for the schedule or contact Daniel Leung at 604-836-6423 for the locations and meeting places.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada accepts donations online, please go to 捐款前列腺癌基金會請到

此支援小組乃義工組織,我們講英語普通話廣東話幫助您了解良性前列腺疾病與前列腺癌的病徵預防治療康復與最新醫療硏究等資訊每月第二個星期四下午6:30-8:30在「明納健康活動中心」的長者中心多用途活動室1 (1033)


列治文前列腺癌友步行團「藍天健行」每週二和週四早上9時至11時沿著美麗的河堤和公園散步在下雨天或寒冷季節步行於列治文購物中心)。點擊查詢活動更新 打電話604-836-6423 (Daniel)

This blog is provided as a public service. Any persons using the information or documents provided on the blog do so at their own risk.

You are advised to seek professional services from licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and health care professionals, if and when necessary.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Expert Angle: The changing landscape: Understanding non-metastatic (m0) castration resistant prostate cancer

The changing landscape: Understanding non-metastatic (m0) castration resistant prostate cancer
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With new and exciting drug developments on the horizon, join Dr. Robert Hamilton as he discusses how recent clinical trials show promising results in delaying metastases in prostate cancer patients in a new Expert Angle On-Demand webinar!
For a complete list of PCC’s on-demand webinars, visit the Expert Angle webpage here.
Tune In!
DATE: Thursday, March 29, 2018


TITLE: The changing landscape: Understanding non-metastatic (m0) castration resistant prostate cancer

LENGTH: 23 mins
OVERVIEW: This presentation takes a closer look at a critical time within the prostate cancer disease journey between the localized and advanced disease state. Metastasis, when the cancer spreads to a different part of the body, is currently targeted by multiple treatment options available in the market. With the recent SPARTAN and PROSPER clinical trials, there are new drug developments that may target the non-metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer window to further delay metastases. Key tools and imaging options in detecting metastases are also discussed.
SPEAKER: Dr. Robert Hamilton is an uro-oncologic surgeon specializing in prostate cancer at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. He has expertise in minimally invasive surgeries, including robotic surgery.  Dr. Hamilton sees patients at all different stages of prostate cancer from those at risk to this with early diagnoses to advanced disease.  His research interests in prostate cancer include the study of statins and metformin in prostate cancer prevention; whether genetic markers can be used to predict who will benefit from chemoprevention; and biomarkers of prostate cancer aggressiveness.

What is an Expert Angle On-Demand Webinar?

An Expert Angle on-demand webinar is a pre-recorded presentation held over the Internet that is accessible for viewing at any time. Questions can be submitted to the speaker up to two weeks following the launch date. All on-demand webinars are hosted on a platform called GoToWebinar.
Once you register, you can begin watching the webinar right away. Since this format is intended to simulate a live webinar, viewers will not have the ability to pause, rewind or fast-forward. However, if viewers would like to re-watch a webinar, you can access it again using the same registration link presented above. If you encounter any technical issue, please email:
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You are receiving this email because you opted in at one of Prostate Cancer Canada's websites, participated in an event or campaign, or made a donation.

Prostate Cancer Canada
2 Lombard St.
Toronto, ON
M5C 1M1

Thursday, March 15, 2018

April-June 2018 Prostate Health Presentation 4月 - 6月前列腺健康專題講座

Here are the monthly meetings for the next 3 months. Every second Thursday 7-9pm each month at  Richmond Public Library, Brighouse Main Branch, second floor, 7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond, BC V6Y 1R8

以下是未來3個月的每月會議(每月第二個星期四,下午7-9點,列治文公共圖書館二樓,7700 Minoru Gate,Richmond,BC V6Y 1R8。

April 12, 2018 - 長期和危疾護理的情緒健康 (Emotional Health of Long-Term & Critical Care)
謝喬韜, 心理輔導碩士, 註冊臨床心理輔導師 (Arnold KiutoTse, M.C.P., RCC)
粵語講解 Cantonese presentation  

May 10, 2018 - 危疾保險 (Critical Illness Protection)
Fritz Ho - Insurance company
粵語講解 Cantonese presentation 

June 14, 2018 - 中医对前列腺疾病以及不举的防治 (TCM Treatment for Prostate Diseases and Erectile Dysfunction)
黄健儀中醫師 (Dr. Jenny Huang, RDTCM) 
粵語講解 Cantonese presentation  

Register by phone: 604-231-6413
普通話/粵語電話報名: 604-231-6462

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) Educational Program

-         Class structure: A single, 1.5-hour interactive, facilitated online class using the GoToMeeting platform. Canadian attendees receive a free copy of the book: "Androgen Deprivation Therapy: An Essential Guide for Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones, 2nd Ed.”
-          To register:  Fill in the brief form on the home page at or send an email to