Canada has over 60 Prostate Cancer Support Groups that meet once a month. This Richmond group in British Columbia is founded in 2013 by volunteers and focused on providing help to Chinese-speaking men, but everyone is welcome. We speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, meet on the second Thursday of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Seniors Centre of Minoru Centre for Active Living (7191 Granville Avenue, Richmond, BC V6Y 1N9 Multipurpose Room 1 (1033)). Join us for the professional presentation and talk to other men and family members who have been dealing with prostate cancer for weeks, months or even years.

No registration is required and all ages are welcome. Please swipe your Facility Pass ($36/year for seniors 55+ or spouses) or pay a $5 drop-in fee at the front desk when arriving for each session.

If you want to chat one on one with a survivor, you may drop in our walking club. The Richmond Blue Walkers walk 5-10 km on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am-11 am, along the beautiful river dykes and parks in Richmond (Walk in the Richmond Shopping Centre during the rainy days or cold seasons). Click here for the schedule or contact Daniel Leung at 604-836-6423 for the locations and meeting places.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada accepts donations online, please go to 捐款前列腺癌基金會請到

此支援小組乃義工組織,我們講英語普通話廣東話幫助您了解良性前列腺疾病與前列腺癌的病徵預防治療康復與最新醫療硏究等資訊每月第二個星期四下午6:30-8:30在「明納健康活動中心」的長者中心多用途活動室1 (1033)


列治文前列腺癌友步行團「藍天健行」每週二和週四早上9時至11時沿著美麗的河堤和公園散步在下雨天或寒冷季節步行於列治文購物中心)。點擊查詢活動更新 打電話604-836-6423 (Daniel)

This blog is provided as a public service. Any persons using the information or documents provided on the blog do so at their own risk.

You are advised to seek professional services from licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and health care professionals, if and when necessary.

Friday, November 20, 2015

PCC Webinar Nov 24, 2015 4pm PST - Microvesicle's Role in Prostate Cancer

Expert Angle – Interact with prostate cancer experts
View this email in your browser

Register for Dr. Khalid Al-Nedawi's Webinar: Microvesicles: what is the role of these small bubble-like vesicles in prostate cancer?

On Tuesday, November 24 at 7pm EST, join Dr. Khalid Al-Nedawi as he presents "Microvesicles: what is the role of these small bubble-like vesicles in prostate cancer?"

Learning points for the webinar:
  • What are microvesicles?
  • Biogenesis of microvesicles
  • Role of microvesicles in cancer biology
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic potential of microvesicles 
Register Now
Date: Tuesday,November 24, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST 
Speaker: Dr. Khalid Al-Nedawi
Location: Via the internet and telephone
You can test your Internet connection before your Expert Angle webinar session starts by joining a test session here.

Speaker - Dr. Khalid Al-Nedawi

Dr. Khalid Al-Nedawi received his Ph. D. in Medical Biology and Biotechnology. He received a post-doctoral fellowship, and scientific adjunct position at the center for medical research at the Polish Academy of Science. He joined McGill University as a post-doctoral fellow and later as medical scientist and faculty lecturer. Currently, Dr Al-Nedawi is an assistant professor at McMaster University/Department of Medicine and a researcher at St Joseph’s healthcare, Hamilton Center for Kidney Research. His primary research interest is the mechanisms of intercellular interactions through exosomes/ microvesicles.

Dr. Al-Nedawi has been awarded two Movember Discovery Grants from Prostate Cancer Canada in 2013 and 2014. 

Please check our website for updates and information on upcoming Expert Angle webinars.

What is an Expert Angle Webinar?

A webinar is an online tool that allows people from across Canada to have an online meeting and discuss important topics, view slide shows and interact with each other. We use a service called GoToMeeting to host these webinars.

Expert Angle is a place to exchange info and ideas through a series of webinars. You’ll have the opportunity to get important information on a wide range of topics, ask questions and communicate directly with experts in their respective fields.
*After you’ve finished registering you’ll receive an email with the details on how to participate.

*You will be required to download the GoToMeeting software, this may take a few minutes.

*You can view the webinar through your PC where you can see the presentation, hear the speaker and ask questions.

*If you don’t have access to a PC you can still participate by calling into the 1-800 number and listening to the ongoing discussion.

*Only people with access to a PC during the webinar will be able to ask questions.

*Registration doesn't guarantee a seat. Only the first 100 registrants to sign into the webinar will be able to participate. So be on time!

Friday, November 13, 2015

TrueNTH Advanced Care Webinar - November 19, 2015 Thursday 9pm PST

Webinar Title: TrueNTH: Advance Care Planning: It's how we care for each other.

Speakers: Dale Erikson and Louise Hanvey

Description: Advance care planning is a process of reflection and communication. It is a time for you to reflect on your values and wishes, and to let people know what kind of health and personal care  you would want in the future if you become unable to consent or refuse treatment or other care. This webinar will provide information about why advance care planning is important for men with prostate cancer, and how to do advance care planning.

The purpose of this workshop is to:
1.            Provide an overview of what advance care planning (ACP) is,
2.            Foster understanding as to why ACP is important for people living with prostate cancer,
3.            Help men with prostate cancer, their partners and families learn the steps involved in the ACP process, and how to start these types of conversations,
4.            Familiarize participants with the available resources on ACP.

Please register for this TrueNTH Advanced Care Planning webinar on Thursday November 19th, 2015 5:00 PM PST at: <>

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Dale containing information about joining the webinar.

Thanks a lot, Anne

Anne Breakey Hart, CVA
Manager, PCCN and Volunteer Engagement | Prostate Cancer Canada

Gestionnaire, Mobilisation des bénévoles | Cancer de la Prostate Canada
416-441-2131 ext./poste 229 | E <>

Monday, November 9, 2015


每年十一月都是Movember (小鬍子的十一月)的籌款活動。目的為男仕疾病籌款,以用作宣傳教育,研究和治療之用。


我們是一群前列腺癌康復者, 家屬和義工,願意與大眾分享我們的經歷。歡迎參加我們每月一次的聚會,日期是第二個星期四下午六時至八時。除講解外,備有大量中英文小册子免費派發,歡迎各界人仕參加,我們會說英語,粤語和普通話,如有需要我們會提供免費即時傳譯。

地點是在列治文二號路夾Blundell路東北面的健康中心:Garratt Wellness Centre, 7504 Chelsea Place, Richmond(402公車在Blundell下車從Cheviot街向北走,沿途有啡色路標指示)

歡迎電郵 索取當晚的投影片。

Sunday, November 1, 2015

男性應該知道的10個前列腺癌風險因素 10 Prostate Cancer Risk Factors Men Should Know

10 Prostate Cancer Risk Factors Men Should Know
Babamail Oct. 31, 2015

According to the American National Cancer Institute, after skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men, and 1-in-7 will be diagnosed with it during their lifetime. This is quite the troubling statistic, especially since many men still don’t even know where in their body the prostate is.
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is located under the bladder, at the base of the penis. It is a vital part of the reproductive system and its function is to assure the arrival of the sperm into the vagina. It does that by producing an alkaline fluid that protects the spermatozoa from the acidic conditions in the cervix.
While age is the number-1 risk factor when it comes to prostate cancer, there are several other key factors that can raise and lower the risks. Here are the 10 most important ones every man should know.

1. Family History (家族史)
If your 1st-degree relative was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the past, your risk factor is nearly double that of a person without a family history of prostate cancer. Just like how heart diseases can be hereditary, so does prostate cancer, according to a study from 2000.
2. Excess Weight (體重超標)
Being overweight increases your risk of developing various forms of cancer, including prostate cancer. Overweight and obese men are also at risk for developing a more aggressive form of prostate cancer, according to a study from the San Diego Naval Medical Center.
3. Frequency of Sexual Activity in Early Ages (20-30性行為頻率)
A study published by the international BJU Magazine found that the more a 20-30 year-old male masturbates, the more likely he is to develop prostate cancer. Researchers believe it is caused by elevated levels of testosterone, which rises the more sexually active a young man is.
4. Frequency of Sexual Activity in Men Over 50 (50歲以上性行為頻率)
On the other hand, the more frequently 50-year-olds engage in sexual activities, the less likely are they to develop prostate cancer, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Lab tests found that the biochemical composition of sperm changes when a man engages in intercourse versus masturbation, and that change significantly affects the risk of prostate cancer. Researchers suggest that intercourse stimulates the prostate to remove toxins that masturbation does not.

5. Frequency of Exercise (運動習慣)
How much time you spend in the gym can directly affect the likeliness of you developing prostate cancer. A Harvard University study found that moderate physical exercise provides a boost to the immune system, encouraging it to produce “hunter cells” and protective chemicals that battle cancerous cells. In addition, it is speculated that burning fat also decreases prostate cancer risks.
6. Previous Dealings with Cancer (先前患上癌症)
Men who suffered from other forms of cancer in the past are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Studies found that men who suffered from cancer in the kidneys, bladder, lungs, thyroid and skin cancers are at a much higher risk group to develop prostate cancer.
7. STDs (性病和前列腺炎)
Suffering from infections or prostatitis can increase your chances of contracting prostate cancer. According to a University of Michigan study, men who had gonorrhea or syphilis are more likely to develop prostate cancer, especially in chronic cases. It’s important to mention that these findings are still inconclusive, and another assumption is that men who suffer from STDs get checked more often, thus increasing the chances of diagnosing a preexisting condition.
8. Alcoholism (酗酒)
Even though one glass of wine per day is good for your heart, drinking hard liquor more than 5 times a week doubles the risk of developing prostate cancer, according to a University of California study. It is still not clear how alcohol increases the risk factor, but researchers suggest that it interrupts the body’s natural DNA repair mechanisms.
May also interest you:

9. A Calcium-Rich Diet (鈣的飲食)
Researchers are still not sure how our eating habits affect prostate cancer risks, but several studies have found that a calcium-rich diet increases the risk of prostate cancer. Men between the ages of 19 and 70 are advised not to consume more than 1,000mg of calcium a day, and men over 71 should limit themselves to 1,200mg per day. It is also highly recommended not to consume more than 2,000mg per day.
10. Vasectomy (輸精管結紮術)
Harvard School of Public Health study found that men who went through a vasectomy have a 10% increase in their risk to develop prostate cancer. In addition, the earlier in life the procedure was performed, the higher the risk. It is important to note that the American Urologist Association objects to these findings.
So What Can You Do to Minimize the Risks?
Most of the risk factors are genetic, and it is still impossible to change one’s genetic makeup. However, if you maintain a healthy diet, you can significantly decrease your chances of developing prostate cancer.
It is highly advisable for men over 40 to get a checkup every year, and even more often if you’re in one of the aforementioned risk groups.

施明鍵醫生健康新聞網 - 前列腺癌簡介 Prostate Cancer

前列腺是男性生殖器官的一部份,在膀胱的下端,圍繞着尿道的初端。前列腺分泌的白色黏液,和睾丸排出的精子結合,成為精液。 正常的前列腺體積近似核桃,約 20cc 若果超過 30cc,則屬於肥大。 
隨著年歲增長,前列腺內的細胞組織開始出現變化;部份細胞可能增生導致前列腺肥大,亦可能受到感染而出現發炎症狀,但兩者都可以用藥物控制。 如果前列腺內的分泌細胞出現癌症病變,就要依據症狀,病人的年歲,健康狀況,預計剩下的壽命,個人的意願,療效與及治療可能導致的損害,與病人相討決定控制癌症的方法。 

前列腺癌和皮膚癌是北美洲男性最常患上的癌病,估計 1/6  1/7 的男性會隨著時間出現前列腺癌病變。 加拿大的統計,每年都發現二萬多宗新症,約四千人因前列腺癌惡化而死亡,是男性繼肺癌和大腸癌以後的第三號致命癌症。 前列腺癌的發現率近年大幅增加,可能是基於醫生經常為病人安排測試。 須然少部份的前列腺癌會發展迅速和致命,但大部份的前列腺癌個案,癌細胞生長緩慢,而且不會擴散,只需要定期複檢,並不一定需要治療。 


前列腺癌通常在 50 歲以後才會出現症狀;隨著年歲,大部份男性的前列腺內都會有癌細胞存在。 在長者體內,前列腺癌細胞生長非常緩慢,可能永遠都不會構成威脅。 但少部份較為猛惡的癌細胞,生長迅速,兼且會擴散,則需要及早發現和開始治療。 

前列腺癌有遺傳的傾向,如果父親和兄弟有一人患上前列腺癌,發病的機會提升至 30%,若果 位近親都出現同樣病變,則達到 100% 經常進食動物脂肪,例如紅肉,亦會增加患上前列腺癌的機會。 男性賀爾蒙睾胴分泌活躍,亦可能加速癌細胞的生長。 屬於高危類別的病人,我們建議在 45 歲開始進行篩檢。 沒有症狀和身體健康的男性,年屆 50 歲時可以和醫生相討篩檢的利弊。

前列腺癌的症狀是因為腫瘤壓迫膀胱和尿道,或擴散至骨之後導致骨折和痛楚。 初期的徵狀和前列腺肥大增生近似,經常要排尿,感覺非常迫切,兼且可能失禁。 排尿開始時要等待,而且排尿斷斷續續不暢順,排尿後尿仍然會繼續漏出。 晚上夜尿頻密,超過兩至三次。 若果排尿時感覺刺痛,小便帶血,則需要儘快找醫生檢查。 幸而大部份前列腺腫瘤都屬於良性,可以妥善治理。 


前列腺癌的篩檢很簡單,大部份醫生都可以憑藉探肛檢查決定前列腺的體積和是否有明顯的腫瘤存在。 第二步是驗血測試 PSA 指數,PSA 是經前列腺細胞分泌的蛋白質,如果有癌細胞存在和生長,PSA 指數就會升高;但前列腺發炎和腫脹亦會導致 PSA 指數增加。 部份 PSA 會黏附在血液中的蛋白質,若果黏附的比率增加,亦都顯示可能有癌症病變。 如果病人出現尿道阻塞的症狀,加上探肛的發現和 PSA 指數繼續提升,醫生會建議在超聲波素描引導之下,做穿刺手術抽取前列腺細胞檢驗。 病理學家會根據顯微鏡下細胞的形態、分佈和排列狀況,數量和有沒有蠶食神經組織,訂定前列腺癌的級別。
Gleason Soore 若果提升至 至 10 分,顯示癌細胞屬於惡性,擴散的機會亦相應增加。

前列腺癌確定以後,醫生會轉介病人給泌尿專科醫生和癌症中心,決定治療的取向。 年長和癌細胞屬於不活躍類的病人,只需要觀察和跟進。 較惡性的前列腺癌,則需要考慮病人的年歲,身體狀況、治療的成效和可能導致的後遺症狀,例如小便失禁和無能勃起,由病人選擇,在療效和生活質素之間求取平衡,決定最理想的治療程序:包括手術切除、放射治療、化療、賀爾蒙治療或合拼的療程。
加拿大每年都有 4000 人因前列腺癌擴散 而死亡,二萬多宗新症。 如果男士經常有尿頻、夜尿多過兩至三次、排尿不暢順、不能排清、刺痛或小便帶血等症狀,儘快找醫生檢查。 50歲以上的男士,若果有家族的遺傳,或擔心自己患上前列腺癌,可以在體檢時和家庭醫生相討前列腺癌篩檢的利弊。 防癌保健,醫生伴你同行。