Canada has over 60 Prostate Cancer Support Groups that meet once a month. This Richmond group in British Columbia is founded in 2013 by volunteers and focused on providing help to Chinese-speaking men, but everyone is welcome. We speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, meet on the second Thursday of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Seniors Centre of Minoru Centre for Active Living (7191 Granville Avenue, Richmond, BC V6Y 1N9 Multipurpose Room 1 (1033)). Join us for the professional presentation and talk to other men and family members who have been dealing with prostate cancer for weeks, months or even years.

No registration is required and all ages are welcome. Please swipe your Seniors Facility Pass ($36/year for seniors 55+ or spouses) or pay a $5 drop-in fee at the front desk when arriving for each session.

If you want to chat one on one with a survivor, you may drop in our walking club. The Richmond Blue Walkers walk 5-10 km on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am-11 am, along the beautiful river dykes and parks in Richmond (Walk in the Richmond Shopping Centre during the rainy days or cold seasons). Click here for the schedule or contact Daniel Leung at 604-836-6423 for the locations and meeting places.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada accepts donations online, please go to 捐款前列腺癌基金會請到

此支援小組乃義工組織,我們講英語普通話廣東話幫助您了解良性前列腺疾病與前列腺癌的病徵預防治療康復與最新醫療硏究等資訊每月第二個星期四下午6:30-8:30在「明納健康活動中心」的長者中心多用途活動室1 (1033)


列治文前列腺癌友步行團「藍天健行」每週二和週四早上9時至11時沿著美麗的河堤和公園散步在下雨天或寒冷季節步行於列治文購物中心)。點擊查詢活動更新 打電話604-836-6423 (Daniel)

This blog is provided as a public service. Any persons using the information or documents provided on the blog do so at their own risk.

You are advised to seek professional services from licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and health care professionals, if and when necessary.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine - Dr. William Zhao

Traditional Chinese medicine doctor, Dr. William Zhao, talks about the principles and the benefits of acupuncture in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He discusses the various pressure points and what parts of the body they help to stimulate and repair, and how acupuncture can stave off or even protect one from prostate cancer.

Friday, January 24, 2014

January to February 2014 Meeting 一月至二月前列腺健康專題講座 與 坐談會

January 25, 2014, Saturday 10am-12pm at Prostate Cancer Canada Network Surrey  Group

Subject:  Urologic Oncology and Clinical Research
Speaker: Dr. Andreou, Head of the Division of Urology at Surrey Memorial Hospital
Address:  Cafeteria of Surrey Memorial Hospital13750 96th Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3V 1Z2 
January 28, 2014, Tuesday 6pm at Surrey Memorial Hospital
Subject: Introduction to Primary Treatment Options 
Speaker: BC Cancer Agency
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
For anyone interested in attending, to register please email or contact the  PCSC Program Office, at 604-875-4111 ext. 62338 who will be able to give more information about the session and the program in general. Also see details from the pamphlet. Address : Surrey Memorial Hospital13750 96th Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3V 1Z2 

January 28, 2014, Tuesday 7-9pm at North Shore Prostate Cancer Support Group
Subject: Cancer and Nutrition: How simple and effective changes can reduce your risk of cancer or cancer recurrence
Speaker: Ms. Cheryl Wahl, RHN Nutritionist/Trainer  
Address: Lower Floor Auditorium, Lions Gate Hospital, 231 15th St E, North Vancouver, BC, V7L 2L7
February 5, 2014, Wednesday 2-4pm The 4th WEBINAR from Chilliwack Support Group
Subject: Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Rehabilitation after Prostate Cancer  The speaker will be Andrea Simone, RN, BSN, CURN. From the Vattikuti Urology Institute at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit. She will speak about ED and the history of penile rehabilitation following PCa treatment and products that are utilized.  
Please register at: 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you have any questions on these webinars, you can contact Dale at             
February 6, 2014, Thursday 11am-1pm at Prostate Cancer Canada Network Vancouver  Group

Subject: Living with Hormone Therapy (Side Effects)
Speaker: Dr. Richard Wasssersug, Department Urology UBC
Address:  Canadian Cancer Society BC & Yukon Division, Main Floor, 565 West 10th Ave. Vancouver
February 6, 2014, Thursday 7-9pm The 5th WEBINAR from Chilliwack Support Group (the regular meeting of PCCN Chilliwack at the Mt Cheam Lions Club hall)
Subject: Advanced Prostate Cancer
Speaker:Dr. George Vrabec, Urologist
Please register at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you are having issues registering or attending the meeting, please call the Citrix support line at 1 866 998 6710
February 13, 2014, Thursday 6-8pm at Richmond Chinese Prostate Cancer Networking Group
Subject: Penile length shortening after radical prostatectomy 
Speaker: Mr. Wellam Yu Ko, Doctoral student at the UBC School of Nursing
Address: Garratt Wellness Centre, 7504 Chelsea Place, Richmond, BC, V7C 3S9
February 25, 2014, Tuesday 7-9pm at North Shore Support Group 
Subject: Pain Management
Speaker: Dr. Pippa HawleyPalliative Care Team Leader, Medicine Specialist and General Internist Pain & System Management of the BC Cancer Agency
Address: Lower Floor Auditorium, Lions Gate Hospital, 231 15th St E, North Vancouver, BC, V7L 2L7

February 29, 2014, Saturday 10am-12noon at Surrey PCCN
Address : Cafeteria of Surrey Memorial Hospital13750 96th Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3V 1Z2 
Speaker: Dr. Andreou is the head of the Division of Urology at Surrey Memorial Hospital, with a focus on both Urologic Oncology as well as clinical research.  He has been on the forefront of prostate cancer treatment in Surrey. He was one of the first to be involved with (HIFU) - High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound - and introduced our group to the use of the sling for urinary incontinence. This is the month to prepare your questions.


2月13日(星期四) 下午六時至八時
地點 :Room 4, Garratt Wellness Centre, 7504 Chelsea Place, Richmond, BC V7C  
專題講座 由 UBC 博士研究生 余威廉 (Mr. Wellam Ko Yu) 主講,
前列腺癌手術後陰莖長度縮短 (英語主講 / 普通話傳譯)
駕車朋友請參考駕駛指示街道地圖詳細地圖坐公車朋友請乘坐402公車從列治文巿中心到達會議地點大約十分鐘,請記得在Blundell Road at Cheviot Place 車站下車,向Cheviot Place 街步行,沿路有Garratt Wellness Centre棕色路牌指示 。
中英文查詢:   梁瑞華 (Daniel Leung) 604-836-6423
中英文網站:  提供前列腺相關網站,視頻,小冊子的網絡資訊。歡迎上網查詢並提供您的寶貴意見。

2月25日星期二 或 2月26日星期三 上午10:30至12:30 UBC廣東話小組坐談
地點 :列治文金比街夾五號路幸運酒楼 (會後有午餐供應)

此乃廣東話小組如果您想參加或想了解更多資料,請與余先生聯繫 604-441-0642 或電郵 請參閱中文簡介。