Canada has over 60 Prostate Cancer Support Groups that meet once a month. This Richmond group in British Columbia is founded in 2013 by volunteers and focused on providing help to Chinese-speaking men, but everyone is welcome. We speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, meet on the second Thursday of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Seniors Centre of Minoru Centre for Active Living (7191 Granville Avenue, Richmond, BC V6Y 1N9 Multipurpose Room 1 (1033)). Join us for the professional presentation and talk to other men and family members who have been dealing with prostate cancer for weeks, months or even years.

No registration is required and all ages are welcome. Please swipe your Seniors Facility Pass ($36/year for seniors 55+ or spouses) or pay a $5 drop-in fee at the front desk when arriving for each session.

If you want to chat one on one with a survivor, you may drop in our walking club. The Richmond Blue Walkers walk 5-10 km on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am-11 am, along the beautiful river dykes and parks in Richmond (Walk in the Richmond Shopping Centre during the rainy days or cold seasons). Click here for the schedule or contact Daniel Leung at 604-836-6423 for the locations and meeting places.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada accepts donations online, please go to 捐款前列腺癌基金會請到

此支援小組乃義工組織,我們講英語普通話廣東話幫助您了解良性前列腺疾病與前列腺癌的病徵預防治療康復與最新醫療硏究等資訊每月第二個星期四下午6:30-8:30在「明納健康活動中心」的長者中心多用途活動室1 (1033)


列治文前列腺癌友步行團「藍天健行」每週二和週四早上9時至11時沿著美麗的河堤和公園散步在下雨天或寒冷季節步行於列治文購物中心)。點擊查詢活動更新 打電話604-836-6423 (Daniel)

This blog is provided as a public service. Any persons using the information or documents provided on the blog do so at their own risk.

You are advised to seek professional services from licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and health care professionals, if and when necessary.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5月至6月會議和活動 May to June Meeting and Events 2017

治文華人前列腺支援網絡  免費健康專題講座

Free health presentation at Richmond Public Library (Brighouse Main Branch)

May 11, 2017511日,週四下午七時至八時半
Mr. George Main & Mr. Leno Zecchel, PCCN Surrey
English presentation, Cantonese translation 
Incontinence and Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction)  
英語講解 粵語翻譯 – 失禁和不舉(勃起功能障礙)

June 8, 201768日,週四下午七時至八時半
Dr. Milton Po, MD, BS Public Health, FRCPC, Radiation Oncology 
Mandarin presentation, Post-operative Radiotherapy
傅爾放射腫瘤科醫生 國語講解 - 前列腺癌手術後放射治療

地點:治文公共圖書館二樓 (Brighouse Main Branch)
中文報名:604-231-6462,  English Register: 



治文華人前列腺支援網絡 宣佈成立「列治文前列腺癌友步行團」Richmond Blue Walkers ,  每星期四早上九時至十時,在列治文河堤或公園步行大約五公里,歡迎前列腺癌友,家屬和支持者免費參加。

The Richmond Blue Walkers will be started on May 18, 2017, every Thursday 9am-10am walk for 5km on Richmond trails or in parks. Welcome to all prostate cancer patients, family and supports!

May 18, 20175月18日 9am-10am 
Fraser River Middle Arm Trail (在Lynas Lane Dover Park公園西北集合
請在GPS輸入 5900 Dover Crescent, Richmond)

May 25, 20175月25日 9am-10am 
Fraser River South Arm Trail (在No. 3 Road 南端 Dyke Trail公園停車場集合
請在GPS輸入 9000 Dyke Road, Richmond)

June 1, 2017年6月1日 9am-10am
West Dyke Trail (在River Road 西端停車場集合
請在GPS輸入 2000 River Road, Richmond)

June 8, 2017年6月8日 9am-10am
Steveston Greenways (在Garry Point 公園停車場西端集合
請在GPS輸入 Garry Point Park, Richmond)

June 15, 2017年6月15日 9am-10am
Fraser River Middle Arm Trail Olympic Oval - Terra Nova (在Lynas Lane Dover公園西北集合,
請在GPS輸入 5900 Dover Crescent, Richmond)

June 22, 2017年6月22日 9am-10am 
Railway Greenways (在Thompson Community Centre停車場西端集合,
請在GPS輸入 5151 Granville Avenue , Richmond)

June 29, 2017年6月29日 9am-10am 
Horseshoe Slough Trail (在Shell Road南端集合,
請在GPS輸入 12151 Shell Road, Richmond)

報名 Register:604-836-6423 

請支持5月28日溫哥華的 Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live摩托車巡遊為前列腺癌基金會筹募研究基金。
請登入 網站報名捐款
Please support May 28 Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live fundraising to Prostate Cancer Foundation BC, donation at

請支持6月18日本拿比湖的 Raymond James Walk/Run 父親節步行,為前列腺癌基金會筹募研究基金。
報名請按 Register-Metro Vancouver Run (捐款請按 Sponsor a Participant),
然後搜尋 Richmond Support Group 或 Daniel Leung 報名捐款
Please support June 18 Raymond James Walk/Run fundraising to Prostate Cancer Foundation BC, register and donation at
Please search Richmond Support Group or Daniel Leung

請支持6月23-25日溫哥華的 Butts in a Boat 前列腺癌友龍舟隊 ,為前列腺癌基金會筹募研究基金。
請登入 網站,
報名請按 Join Us (捐款請按 Sponsor Us 及 Donate Now),
然後搜尋 Daniel Leung 捐款
Please support June 23-25 Butts in a Boat dragon boat team fundraising to Prostate Cancer Foundation BC, register and donation at
Please search Daniel Leung

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